Anger Management Tips

Anger is a natural response to feeling frustrated, attacked, betrayed, or treated unfairly. Everyone gets angry sometimes. It’s part of life and dealing with other people. Mild anger can sometime be useful to show strong feelings and deal with situations when it is managed and controlled. However, anger can be emotionally overwhelming and lead to problems and unhealthy relationships. To avoid the destructive aspects of this emotion, here are seven anger management tips.

Angry behaviors include yelling, throwing things, criticizing, irritability, ignoring people or situations. Some of this behavior may be due to other issues such as depression, stress, or substance abuse. For these types of ailments, it is essential to get professional help. However, for most people, these anger management tips can help a great deal.

Time Out

Remember when your parents would send you to time out for undesired behavior, well if you feel your anger getting out of control, take time out from a condition or an argument or going for a walk. During a time out, plan how to successfully to stay calm when your conversation starts again.

Count from One to Ten

This is an extremely easy and effective way to get control of your anger. It is not like this is a new thing. Thomas Jefferson said, “When angry, count to 10 before you speak. If incredibly angry, count to 100.”

Lower the Intensity Level – Anger Management Tips

Approaching every situation with a great deal of intensity can be counterproductive. If you overpower those around you, they will eventually ignore you. It’s exhausting for you and for them. Tone it down.

Diagnose What Is Making You Angry

Often anger isn’t the product of the current situation. It may be from an earlier occurrence something else that is on your mind at the moment. If you can divorce your self from the moment and try to analyze what is making you angry, you can avoid outbursts that can hurt you and those around you.

Sometimes it can help to write things down. What is happening in your life? How do you feel about those things? Writing about topics where you got angry can sometimes give you some distance, perspective and comfort and help you understand your emotional state.

Don’t Let Anger Build

If you are angry with a friend of family member because of something they said, did or didn’t do, let them know after your anger has cooled. Don’t try to communicate that feeling through a third person. It may not be delivered or may not have the impact you would have if you spoke directly to them. Calm measured statements, such as “I felt badly when you didn’t come over when you said you would.” Or, “You are important to me and I really wanted you to be there.

Don’t be Aggressive – Anger Management Tips

You won’t achieve everything y in life with unfriendly, in-your-face attitude. Like with intensity, people typically avoid overbearing or hostile individuals.

Pay Attention to Problems

Don’t let things fester. Pay attention to the people around you and problem areas that may present themselves. If you do that, you’ll be more prepared to deal with situations as they arise, so you won’t get angry. You’ll understand the problem areas and how to deal with them. This can cut down on a great deal of anger.

Exercise – Anger Management Tips

Exercising, whether running, biking, walking, weightlifting, etc., is a good way to shed some of your anger. Physical exercise can help to control feelings anger It also provides you with time think about what is making you angry and think about how to respond to situations that are producing that feeling.

This article originally appeared on, Anger Management Tips.